
According to a recent MReport, Americans want to live near their relatives, within reason. Ally Home conducted a survey that found that family members may be influencing the migration habits of homeowners. The survey discovered that 67% of respondents said they wish they lived within 45 minutes of their relatives. This is a large increase from a survey conducted in April 2019, when only 27% of respondents said they wanted to live that close to family. 43% of those surveyed feel like family members should not live close enough to “pop in and say hi”, which is almost a 10% increase from the 2019 survey. The President of Ally Home, Glenn Brunker, commented, “The pandemic has changed our lives in so many ways, particularly in keeping families apart for extended periods of time. Priorities have shifted for many Americans who now desire to live closer to their families, and finding their next home may be challenging in today’s real estate environment. It’s important for consumers to do their homework upfront before starting their home search to understand the process and requirements”.


In addition, the report highlights some key findings from the Ally Home survey. The data revealed that 76% of parents with children desire to live closer to extended family. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, three in ten Americans have contemplated moving closer to family members. Roughly 55% of respondents stated that while they miss their family, they do not want to live with them or live too close. Younger generations are more likely to say family should not live too close than baby boomers. Men are more likely to say there should be driving distance between them and their parents or in-laws. In the past year, 61% of Americans have canceled trips to visit family due to the pandemic. Respondents that live in the Northeast are more likely than those in the South, Midwest, and West to cancel their trips. Finally, three in five of respondents say that while video chat has helped, not being able to interact in person with relatives has been very hard.

Click here to read the full MReport and learn more!

Click here to read the full Ally Home survey and learn more!


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