I ran across this article in The MReport and it truly perplexed me. “Homebuyer Demand For Air Conditioning” – I feel like that is an expected feature of any property. In fact, if you find a property without air conditioning, or with window units, you can expect them to be discounted from the average fair market value. I thought I would share this article because I was so perplexed I found it entertaining! Grant you, there are some places in the US where air conditioning is not a staple of life. That is definitely not Northeast Georgia!
Homebuyer Demand for Air Conditioning Heats Up
While a primo patio or dolled-up deck is a standard selling point, the most chill feature of all just may be central AC. This is according to a new Zillow analysis. The homebuyer is willing to shell out 2.5 percent more for a dwelling equipped with a central air-conditioning unit—a premium that will set them back a cool $5,500 for the typical U.S. abode—the 2017 Zillow Group Consumer Housing Trends Report says.
That premium runs highest in San Antonio, where AC-outfitted houses sold for 5.8 percent more than their non-cooled counterparts. Cincinnati stands close behind, with a 5.7 percent premium, while climate-controlled residences in Detroit, Indianapolis, and Las Vegas sold for a 5 percent premium.
Sixty-two percent of analyzed homebuyers listed air conditioning as a requisite feature, while forty-eight percent considered a “private outdoor space” like the aforementioned patio or deck as a must-have amenity, the study says.
From coast to coast, 66.1 percent of homes that sold in the past year count air conditioning among their components. In markets with some of the steamiest climates, an AC unit was in every home that sold over the past year, Zillow reports. It was in 99.1 percent of sold homes in Las Vegas and 97.9 percent in Phoenix, it notes.
To read the entire article Click Here
If you are ready to embark on the journey of locating your dream home, with or without air conditioning
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